Monday, September 14, 2015

Response to The Party of Celebrity

(See: Just Above Sunset: The Party of Celebrity)

I've heard Fiorina explain away her business failures; she puts such a positive spin on everything as she talks on and on, with such a confident smile on her face, that by the end, you figure she must be right because, otherwise, how could she have kept talking for so long?

But still, you come away with absolutely no memory of what she said.

And I'm pretty sure you'd get the same thing from Trump, explaining away all his bankruptcies, if anybody could ever insert a question about them into that flurry of nonsense he always spews, except in his case, whenever he's caught saying something that's not true, he just writes it off as him "talking as an entertainer". In fact, Trump writes off so much of everything he says that you'd think all his supporters would have figured out by now that you can't trust anything he says.

It's amazing! Republicans can take one tiny thing that Obama says -- like, "You didn't build that! -- then twist its meaning out of shape, outright lie about what he was saying, then run with it for months, despite their being told how they got it wrong -- and get away with it! -- and yet Donald Trump blurts out another of his bald-face insults, then denies once again that he meant it that way when he obviously did, and everyone gives him a pass!

This reminds me of that Saturday Night Live skit back in 1988, with Bush Sr. (Dana Carvey) debating Dukakis (Jon Lovitz), and Diane Sawyer (Jan Hooks), as the moderator, trying desperately to convince Bush to use more of his time, even though he apparently has nothing much to say:
Diane Sawyer: You still have a minute-twenty, Mr. Vice-President.  
George Bush: Well, more has to be done, sure. But the programs we have in place are doing the job, so let's keep on track and stay the course. 
Diane Sawyer: You have fifty seconds left, Mr. Vice-President. 
George Bush: Let me sum up. On track, stay the course. Thousand points of light. 
Diane Sawyer: Governor Dukakis. Rebuttal? 
Michael Dukakis: I can't believe I'm losing to this guy!
And the scary thing is, he did.

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